" Building camomile ...

Makefile:547: .depend: No such file or directory
false -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I . -o camomileLibrary.mli camomileLibrary.mlip
make: *** [camomileLibrary.mli] Error 1
Make failed for camomile.tar.gz; aborting
Installer exited with error, aborting "

If you getting this error while updating centova or LiquidSoap, this is caused by a new release of camomile that introduced some changes to the build configuration .

This can be fixed by download  compatible Camomile and replace existing one .,
you can manually download a copy of the compatible Camomile source at 
http://rd.centova.com/files/camomile-0.8.5.tar.gz , then replace the existing package under "/usr/local/src/liquidsoap/dlcompleted/".

Try the below steps .

           cd /tmp
wget http://rd.centova.com/files/camomile-0.8.5.tar.gz
mv camomile-0.8.5.tar.gz /usr/local/src/liquidsoap/dlcompleted/camomile.tar.gz

. After This try to update centova or LiquidSoap again, this time , it will not show any error
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