1. Obviously, you should log into cPanel with your username and password. Then, select PHPMyAdmin from the “Databases” tab.

cPanel > Databases > PHPMyAdmin

2. Identify the database

We can identify the database that you are using for your WordPress website, from wp-config.php file. In that file, you can see the following entries which define your Database name, Database user, Database password and Database host.

A sample wp-config file which lists the database details is shown below:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'ucartz_wordp1');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'ucartz_wordp1');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_of_the_database');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

Database name format in a cPanel server is "cpanelusername_name of DB". The database name in this example is "ucartz_wordp1".

3. Identify the table

Then, we need to search for the table wp_users and click on the database table. It will list the WordPress users. Click on the Edit icon of the user admin if you need to change the password for the admin user.

There, you need to edit the user_pass field to change the password. WordPress stores password in the MD5encrypted form. You are not allowed to store a plain text password. For that, you need to select MD5 from the drop-down next in the function field.

In the value field, enter your password in plain text format.

This means you are converting your plaintext password to MD5 encrypted format. Then, click Go to save the changes.


That’s it!!!

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