While you can view historic visitor statistics for your WordPress website using cPanel, there may be times where you need to analyse traffic on a real-time basis.

You can do so easily using the WP-UserOnline plugin, which adds a widget to your site with real-time visitor analysis. Detailed statistics include the number of visitors, the type of visitor (members, guests or search bots) and their location.

To get started, log into your WordPress administration dashboard and select Plugins > Add New. Search for WP-UserOnline and, when displayed, install and activate the plugin.

Once installed, head to Appearance > Widgets and scroll down the lost of available widgets until you see one named UserOnline. Drag and drop the widget into your sidebar.

Edit the widget title and click the Statistics Type dropdown menu to select the statistics you’d like to display.

Save the widget settings and then view the site’s front-end to monitor your site traffic in real-time.

Monitor Site Traffic on a Separate Page

Rather than display your visitor statistics publicly, you may prefer to create a private page on your site where your traffic numbers are displayed. That’s an easy job with the WP-UserOnline plugin.

Select Pages > Add New from the WordPress sidebar and use the following shortcode to display your visitor statistics in real time.


You can choose to password protect the page or make it private, by editing Visibility settings.

 Save the page, then click the Preview button to view your real-time visitor statistics.
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