To move LVE and packages limits, just move the /etc/container/ve.cfg file to a new server, and then run # lvectl apply all

If any modifications were made to CageFS - move the /etc/cagefs/ file, and/or /etc/cagefs/conf.d directory to a new server and run:

# cagefsctl --force-update && cagefsctl--remount-all

For PHP-Selector - move the /etc/cl.selector directory and run:

cagefsctl --setup-cl-selector

To restore the user's settings from PHP Selector, please refer to this KB entry: 

Basically, the custom PHP settings migration plan is next:

* restore user home dirs

* remove all cagefs\selector directories with

rm -rf /var/cagefs/*/*/etc/cl.selector
rm -rf /var/cagefs/*/*/etc/cl.php.d

* regenerate them with

cagefsctl --force-update-etc


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