We do not recommend you to use register globals, however, they can be turned on if you wish. You would need to add the following to your .htaccess file located in the public_html folder: php_flag register_globals on.
Mest populär
System Requirements
Most current web servers with PHP & MySQL installed will be capable of running WHMCS. The...
Common logs file paths
Log files are helpful in troubleshooting issues and in monitoring the performance of cPanel...
Disable ModSecurity in cPanel
What is ModSecurity?Mod_security is an apache module that helps to protect your website from...
How to disable directory listing in cpanel?
Disable directory listing in cpanelIndex Manger in cPanelThe Index Manager allows you to...
How to disable the listing in a non-cPanel CentOS server?
How to disable the listing in a non-cPanel CentOS server?1. Locate your httpd.conf file. Normally...