To add a web stream to LibreTime, you can follow these simple steps.

First, navigate to the Webstreams page and click on the +New button on the left-hand side. This will bring up a dialogue box where you can enter the necessary information.

Just like a playlist, a web stream in the Library can have a title and description that will help you find it in searches later. The most important information you'll need to add is the Stream URL. This should include the port number and mount point of the remote stream, as well as the streaming server name.

You can also set a Default Length for the remote stream. If you add the stream at the end of a show that becomes overbooked, it will be faded out when the show ends.


It's important to note that LibreTime checks the status of the remote web stream when you edit its settings. If the stream is offline, you will receive an error. To avoid this, you can use tools like BUTT or MIXXX to send a test stream to LibreTime and ensure that it can be saved correctly.

Overall, adding a web stream to LibreTime is a simple process that can help you incorporate remote streams into your show schedule.

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