You can use the repoquery command which is part of the yum-utils to list files installed on a CentOS/RHEL system from a given package.


To install and use yum-utils, run the commands below:

# yum update
# yum install yum-utils


Now you can list files of an installed RPM package, for example httpd web server (note that the package name is case-sensitive). The --installed flag means installed packages and -l flags enables listing of files:

# repoquery --installed -l httpd
# dnf repoquery --installed -l httpd  [On Fedora 22+ versions]


Important: In Fedora 22+ version, the repoquery command is integrated with dnf package manager for RPM based distribution to list files installed from a package as shown above.


Alternatively, you can as well use the rpm command below to list the files inside or installed on the system from a .rpm package as follows, where the -g and -l means to list files in package receptively:

# rpm -ql httpd


Another useful option is used to use -p to list .rpm package files before installing it.

# rpm -qlp telnet-server-1.2-137.1.i586.rpm


On Debian/Ubuntu distributions, you can use the dpkg command with the -L flag to list files installed to your Debian system or its derivatives, from a given .deb package.


In this example, we will list files installed from apache2 web server:

$ dpkg -L apache2


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