Viewing Output On Screen and also Writing to a File

Assuming you want to get a full summary of available and used disk space of a file system on a Linux system, you can employ the df command; it also helps you determine the file system type on a partition.

$ $df

With the -h flag, you can show the file system disk space statistics in a “human readable” format (displays statistics details in bytes, mega bytes and gigabyte).

$ df -h

Now to display the above information on the screen and also write it to a file, say for later analysis and/or send to a system administrator via email, run the command below.

$ df -h | tee df.log
$ cat df.log

Here, the magic is done by the tee command, it reads from standard input and writes to standard output as well as files.

If a file(s) already exists, you can append it using the -a or --append option like this.

$ df -h | tee -a df.log 

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