Linux is by default a multi-user system, thus user management is one of the fundamental tasks of a system administrator. User management includes everything from creating, updating, and deleting user accounts or user groups on a Linux system.


Check a User Group in Linux


Check a user group, by running the following groups command:

# groups rootadminz

rootadminz : rootadminz superior


To check your own groups, just run the groups command without any argument.

# group



Add a User to a Group in Linux


Before adding a user to a group, ensure that the user exists on the system. To add a user to a certain group, use the usermod command with the -a flag, and the -G option specifies the actual groups in the following format.


In this example, rootadminz is the username and postgres is the group name:

# usermod -aG postgres rootadminz
# groups rootadminz


Remove a User from a Group in Linux


To remove a user from a group, use the gpasswd command with the -d option as follows.

# gpasswd -d rootadminz postgres
# groups rootadminz


Additionally, on Ubuntu and it’s derivative, you can remove a user from a specific group using the deluser command as follows (where rootadminz is the username and postgres is the group name).

$ sudo deluser rootadminz postgres


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