We offers 3 different types of the streaming platform for audio radio streaming.

  • SHOUTcast v1
  • SHOUTcast v2
  • Icecast


All 3 radio streaming platforms are quite similar and our radio streaming control panel will display all 3 in the same way. There are however pros and cons of each platform that are outlined below.

SHOUTcast V1

The original audio streaming platform used by thousands around the world. This platform is still popular today for its ease of use, stability and simplicity.

Originally developed by Nullsoft and was created in 1998.

AOL purchased Nullsoft in 1999 and then sold the platform in 2014 to online radio aggregator Radionomy.

 V1 Pros

Listing on the shoutcast.com directory – The directory has thousands of online radio stations and is also syndicated by other directories allowing exposure of your Internet radio station.

Simplicity – SHOUTcast V1 has been around for some years and radio station owners are more likely to have used this version in the past allowing a familiar interface.

MP3 and AAC Live Streaming

V1 Cons

V1 does not allow for mount points and if you use Auto DJ there is no automatic switching feature. You or your DJ’s will have to manually log in to the control panel in order to stop Auto DJ when you wish to go live.

Auto DJ can only use mp3 format.

SHOUTcast V2

V2 Pros

Automatic source switching when using Auto DJ. When you or 1 of your DJ’s wishes to connect in live, the stream will automatically switch to the live source.

You can upload mp3 and AAC files to the Auto DJ system.

Multiple bitrate usages with mountpoints.

V2 Cons

Older users of SHOUTcast V1 will notice a change in the D.N.A.S interface and advanced options.


Icecast was created in 1998 as an open source audio streaming server and allows anyone to modify its contents to their specific needs. This platform allows for Ogg Vorbis as well as mp3 and AAC.

Icecast Pros

Icecast allows for multiple mount points allowing you to switch from 1 source to another. A perfect example of this is our Auto DJ system. You can simply connect in live on the encoder and the source will automatically switch from Auto DJ to live and back again when you disconnect.

Icecast is used well with HTML5 based players on desktop and mobile devices. Some devices even allow for the playing of the stream in the background when the mobile web page is not on the show.

Multiple Bitrate usages with mountpoints.

Icecast cons

Your stream will not be listed on the SHOUTcast directory but will be listed on the Icecast directory instead. The SHOUTcast directory typically gets more views then the Icecast directory would do.

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