To support White Labels on your Platform Edition, you need first get some settings on your server.

When creating a CNAME, if you will be redirected to another page than your Siberian, that means you have to do the following settings in your server configuration.

This occurs because your platform is not the default website of your server.

1) Plesk

When entering the CNAME in your browser, if you see the default page of Parallel Plesk, do the following:

1) Join your Plesk panel.

2) Click on the "Server" tab.

3) In Tools & Resources tab, click on IP Addresses.

4) Click your server's IP (the IPV4 one, not the IPV6 if you have IPV6).

5) For "Default site" choose your platform, and save.

6) Enter the CNAME in your browser, and that should be ok.

2) cPanel

Please note that you must have a dedicated server or a VPS, with root access to the below process.
If you see the "Sorry" page of cPanel while entering the CNAME, do the following:

1) Connect SSH to your server.

2) Get the httpd.conf file of apache (if you have installed cPanel, most of the time this file is in /usr/local/apache/conf/).

3) Edit this file.

4) Go down and get the entry associated with your platform. It starts with <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80>, and the ServerName is your platform's address. Copy the entry starting with <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> and ending with </VirtualHost> and paste it in a text editor.

5) Connect to your WHM panel.

6) In the leftward menu, click on "Service configuration" >"Apache configuration" > "Include Editor".

7) Go to "Pre VirtualHost Include" and select "All versions".

8) Paste the entry you just pasted in your text editor and update it by clicking on "Update" tab.

9) Then click on the "Restart Apache" button and wait till the Apache server has restarted and it will be finished.

3) Vesta CP

Please note that the process below will need you to have a dedicated server or a VPS with root access:

1) Connect SSH to your server.

2) Get vesta.conf (usually in /etc/httpd/conf.d/).

3) Edit it.

4) Place the include line with your Siberian webspace in the first position.

5) Reload apache.

4) Other or no panel

Please note that you must have a dedicated server or VPS with root access for the below process.

You have to edit the vhost configuration data on your server, do the following.1) Connect in SSH to your server.

2) Get the httpd.conf file of apache.

3) Edit this file.

4) Go down in the file to detect the primary entry that suits the webspace in which your platform installed and other websites. For example, you can have your platform and other websites connected in /home/www/mywebspace/, with your platform installed in /home/www/mywebspace/platform.

5) The primary entry which matches your webspace should be another website. This entry begins with <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> where “xx.xx.xx.xx” is the IP of your server, and it stops with </VirtualHost>. Following <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> you can see the ServerName which unites your default website's address.

6) Go down and see the entry related to your platform. It also starts with <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80>, but the ServerName is your platform's address. Copy all this entry starting with <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> and stopping with </VirtualHost>, fix it in a text editor.

7) Go back to your SSH console, and see all the lines connected to this entry (the entry for your platform) by adding a # before each line (<VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> and </VirtualHost> included).

8) Go up in the file to the first entry of your webspace, as given on point 5, above <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80> of this entry paste the entry of your platform (the one you have pasted in a text editor).

9) Save and exit.

10) Restart apache by inserting "service httpd restart" or "service apache restart", depending on your server, and it will be done.


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