Wowza Streaming Engine™ is powers reliable streaming of high-quality video and audio to any device, anywhere. Whether deployed in the cloud or on-premises, leverage the powerful components of Wowza Streaming Engine and tailor your streaming workflows with security and confidence.
- Stand-alone control panel
- Linux & Windows – CentOS, Debian & Windows Server 2012
- Secure HLS Streaming
- Video Transcoding & nDVR support
- TV Station scheduled server-side media playlist
- Media File Manager w/FTP Support
- Stream Limits – Bitrate, Connections, Data Transfer etc.
- GeoIP - Google Maps
- Multiple Video Players with HTML Embedding Code
- Stream Publishing – Facebook, Youtube, Periscope, Twitch etc.
- MediaCP or newer
- IP Address with port 443 available
- Valid Wowza Streaming Engine license
Install Free Stream Lock SSL Certificate
- Request and download a StreamLock certificate
- Login to your Wowza Streaming Engine ‘My Account‘ page.
- Click on the ‘StreamLock‘ tab.
- Fill in your License Key, IP Address and enter any password to secure your certificate.
- Click ‘Apply for SSL Certificate‘.
- Download your new certificate.
- Upload the file to your server in the following path:
Configure Wowza Streaming Engine to use your StreamLock certificate
- Login to Wowza Streaming Engine Manager at http://your-domain:8088/engine-manager/
- Click on the Server tab then select Virtual Host Setup.
- Click on the Edit button under the Virtual Host Setup Basic tab.
- Scroll down and select Add Host Port.
- Fill out the form as illustrated below, replacing the Keystore path with the appropriate file name and Keystore Password with your previously configured password then press Add.
- Keystore path should be ${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome}/conf/[your-id]
- Click the Save button under Host Ports
- Restart Wowza Streaming Engine as prompted at the top of the screen
Configure MediaCP to use your new secure StreamLock address
- Login to the MediaCP as an administrator.
- Navigate to System Config from the side menu
- Select the Plugins tab
- Enter your Stream Lock ID in the provided field
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and Save Configuration
Test Stream Lock
- Navigate to Media Services and select or create a Wowza Ondemand Service
- Open the Media Player tab and confirm the embed code includes your stream lock address
- Press play on them media player to start your ondemand stream.
Install SSL certificate from a certificate authority
- Request and download your SSL certificate
- Configure Wowza Streaming Engine to use your SSL certificate
- Configure MediaCP to use port 443 instead of 1935 for Wowza Streaming