12th novembar 2019
Powered by enterprise-grade hardware, our KVM VPS plans include your choice of LAMP, Mumble, MySQL, NextCloud, WordPress, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. KVM VPS gives you all the resources you demand without sharing them with anyone else, guaranteeing you maximum performance.
Buy Now:https://www.ucartz.com/ucartz-kvm-vps
Select your VPS ...
8th novembar 2019
We are happy to announce that there is a price drop for .COM domain names. This price drop will come in effect on a new purchase.
The .COM domain has been decreased by 2.92USD. This pricing will have effect on all domain registrations, renewals, and transfer-ins.
We would like to thank you for your continued trust and understanding. Also ...
2drugi novembar 2019
Get a licensed Flussonic dedicated server, which comes with free setup. A perfect for IPTV channel streaming.
Flussonic server solutions help business clients store, capture, deliver and transcode video.
It is the perfect solution for streaming live or on-demand to all devices, including mobile devices. This media server can be ...
31st Listopad 2019
Security Advisory - PHP Remote Code Execution
New PHP Flaw Could Let Attackers Hack Sites Running On Nginx Servers
A couple of days ago, Emil ‘Neex’ Lerner, a Russia-based security researcher, disclosed a remote code execution vulnerability in PHP 7 – the latest iteration of the hugely popular web development language.
With this vulnerability, which has the CVE-ID of ...