Use the following curl command:

curl -I url
curl -I curl -I


How to find out default mine types in Nginx


Look for config file named mime.types inside nginx config directory:

# find /etc/nginx -name mime.types


Use cat command or vi command to view mime.types file:

vi /etc/nginx/mime.types


Override content type with Nginx web server

Say when I request atom.xml file, there is

content-type: text/xml


And I want it to be the correct one as follows:

Content-Type: Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8


Again, I used curl command:

curl -I


To fix this update your mime.types file:

# vi /etc/nginx/mime.types


And make sure the following config exists:

application/atom+xml atom;


Save and close the file. Reload/restart the Nginx service. For example, GNU/Linux user can run:

# systemctl reload nginx


How to force Nginx to send specific Content-Type


Another option is to add the following directly to the config file:

types {
    application/atom+xml    atom xml;


Nginx override content type for URL


It is also possible to override the content type for the given URL pattern. For example, I edited /etc/nginx/domains/ and added the following in the server context:

    ### force utf-8 and content type, good bots for SEO ##
    location = /atom/atom.xml {
        ## override content-type ##
        types { } default_type "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8";
        ## override header (more like send custom header using nginx) #
        add_header x-robots-tag "noindex, follow";


Save and close the file. Restart or reload nginx server:

# service nginx reload


Test it:

curl -I


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