You might encounter the following type of error:

!connection failed – connection timed out
!connectio:error 0
PORT xxx,xxx,x,x,x,xxx
500 Illegal PORT command
!Failed “port”
!Retrieve of folder listing failed (0)

Let take a look at how to resolve the error, connection timeout error through FTP on cPanel servers !!



 1. Login to the WHM.

 2. Find, FTP Server Selection.

 3. Now, change the FTP server to Pure-FTPD and save it.


 1. Once done with WHM, goto ssh &login as root.

 2. Now, open the pure-ftp conf file /etc/pure-ftpd.conf.

 3. Locate the FTP port no { used one}

4. Also, discover the “PassivePortRange” and append the port range.

for eg :

 PassivePortRange 35000 50000

 5. Save and quit

  Now goto csf(firewall) config file, add the ftp port along with the passive port range

 eg : 

 # Allow incoming TCP ports

TCP_IN = "20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2030,2031,30000:50000,6666"

  Restart csf & Pure-ftpd


That is it, enjoy!


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