Docker brings in an API for container management, an image format and a possibility to use a remote registry for sharing containers. This scheme benefits both developers and system administrators with advantages such as:

Rapid application deployment

Containers include the minimal runtime requirements of the application, reducing their size and allowing them to be deployed quickly.

Portability across machines

An application and all its dependencies can be bundled into a single container that is independent of the host version of Linux kernel, platform distribution, or deployment model. This container can be transferred to another machine that runs Docker and executed there without compatibility issues.

Version control and component reuse

You can track successive versions of a container, inspect differences or roll-back to previous versions. Containers reuse components from the preceding layers, which makes them noticeably lightweight.


You can use a remote repository to share your container with others. Red Hat provides a registry for this purpose, and it is also possible to configure your own private repository.

Lightweight footprint and minimal overhead

Docker images are typically very small, which facilitates rapid delivery and reduces the time to deploy new application containers.

Simplified maintenance

Docker reduces effort and risk of problems with application dependencies.

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