MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web applications. The MEAN stack is MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS (or Angular), and Node.js. Because all components of the MEAN stack support programs are written in JavaScript, MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments.

The components of the MEAN stack are as follows:

MongoDB: a NoSQL database. It makes easier to pass data between client and server.
Express.js: a web application framework that runs on Node.js
Angular.js or Angular: JavaScript MVC frameworks that run in browser JavaScript engines
Node.js: an execution environment for event-driven server-side and networking applications

Install Dependencies

First of all, we have to install some dependencies in order to proceed,

apt-get install build-essential git fontconfig libpng-dev ruby ruby-dev
gem install sass

Install MongoDB

In this section, we are going to install MongoDB as our Database, in order to install the latest stable version of MongoDB you should add the official repository:

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6

Execute the following command to add the repository data in the proper path:

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] xenial/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list

Now you can easily install MongoDB with the following command:

apt-get install mongodb-org

After the installation process is finished you can start and enable the MongoDB service with the commands below:

systemctl start mongod
systemctl enable mongod

Install NodeJS and NPM

In order to install Node.JS and NPM we have to add the “NodeSource” repository, the following bash script will do this easily:

curl -sL | -E bash -

Now you can execute the command below to install Node.JS and NPM:

apt-get install nodejs

Check the installed versions:

node -v
npm -v

Install Yarn and Gulp

Yarn is package management tool for client-side programming and it depends on NodeJS and NPM.
You can install Yarn with this NPM command:

npm install -g yarn

Gulp is a JavaScript task runner that can automate many tasks, you can install it with NPM command as well:

npm install -g gulp

For verifying that Bower and Gulp are installed successfully you can execute the following command:

npm list -g --depth=0

You should see something like below:

├── yarn@1.3.2
├── gulp@3.9.1
└── npm@5.3.0

Download and Install MEAN from GIT

Now we can download the latest version of MEAN which is “0.6.0” at the time of writing.
Execute the following command:

git clone

Switch to the MEAN main directory:

cd mean

Install MEAN with the following command:

npm install

After the installation process is finished without errors you can execute the command below to install the front-end stuff:

yarn install --allow-root

Start and Test

You can easily start your MEAN stack project with the following command:

npm start

It should run without any errors and you can look up your MEAN stack default page through the following address

?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה 0 משתמשים שמצאו מאמר זה מועיל (0 הצבעות)