Vue.JS is a JavaScript progressive front-end framework for building User Interfaces (UI). It was built to organize and simplify web development. Focuses on making ideas in web UI development (components, declarative UI, hot-reloading, time-travel debugging, etc.). 



  • Templates
  • Reactivity
  • Components
  • Transitions
  • Routing



Install Node.JS


First of all, we need to install Node.JS and NPM to be able to serve and start our Vue project. The latest stable version of Node.JS is “8.9.4 LTS” at the time of writing this tutorial:

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -


After adding the official repository you can easily install Node.js and NPM with the following command:

yum install nodejs


You can check and verify your Node.js and NPM that you have installed using the following commands:

node -v npm -v


Install Vue.JS


You can install Vue.js using its official CLI, so we have to install the CLI using NPM:

npm install -g vue-cli


Now you can switch to a directory where you want to store your project, and then install Vue.js files with the command below:

vue init webpack your-project


Switch to your project directory to install dependencies:

cd your-project npm install


Now you have installed Vue.JS completely and you can start developing and testing it right away, executing the following command will start serving your project in a development environment to test around:

npm run dev


You can see that your project is now running on:



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