
SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A complete database is stored in a single disk file. It is a software library that provides a relational database management system. The lite in SQLite means lightweight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resources.

An RDBMS such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc., usually requires a separate server process to operate. The applications that want to access the database server use TCP/IP protocol to send and receive requests. This is called client/server architecture.

SQLite does not work in this way. It has not required a server to run. SQLite database is integrated with the application that accesses the database. The applications interact with the SQLite database and read & write directly from the database files stored on the disk.

Installation Process

Step 1: Update yum database with yum using the following command.

# yum update -y

Step 2: Install required packages using the following command

#yum install wget -y

Step 3: Next, Install the development tools

# yum groupinstall “Development Tools” -y

Step 4: Download the source code

1. Create a new directory for SQlite3

#mkdir sqlite3 && cd sqlite3

2. Navigate to and copy the link to the latest autoconf amalgamation source code, which will be named:

# sqlite-autoconf-<version>.tar.gz

3. Download the file and extract it.

# wget [link to sqlite-autoconf-<version>.tar.gz]
# tar xvfz sqlite-autoconf-<version>.tar.gz

Step 5: Install SQLite3

# cd sqlite-autoconf-<version>
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Step 6: Verify the installation

# sqlite3 –version

How to uninstall SQLite on CentOS 7?

To uninstall only the sqlite package, we can use the following command:

sudo dnf remove sqlite


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