We often need to check the size of a file or subdirectories on Linux.  This post shows how to use the du command to check the size of a file or directory on a Linux system. We also show how to sort folders or files by size. 


The two most useful options of du commands are: -s and -h, The meaning of the options are:

-s, --summarize
          display only a total for each argument
   -h, --human-readable
          print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)


Get the human-readable size of a file


We can simply use du -h command to get the human-readable size of a file:

du -h <file_name>


Get the size of a folder


To get the size of a folder only, we can use the -s option, which display the total size of a folder:

du -sh <folder_name>


Find the top 10 largest file or folder on linux


The following command list the top 10 largest file or folder under your home directory:

du -a ~  | sort -n -r | head -n 10


List the size of all subfolders under a directory


By using the max-depth option, we can get the size of all subfolders under a directory:

du -h --max-depth=1 <folder_name>


List only the files or folders of which the size is larger than 10,000


We can use the awk command to filter out files that are larger than the threshold:

du | awk '{$1 > 10000}'


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