Web applications are often architected with three distinct tiers:

  • The first tier is the presentation layer, which is what the user sees.
  • Next comes the application layer, which provides the business logic of the application.
  • Finally, the data layer stores the data needed by the application.


In a Ruby on Rails application, this maps loosely to a web server for the presentation layer, a Rails server for the application layer, and a database for the data layer. In this setup, the application layer communicates with the data layer to retrieve data for the application which is then displayed to the user through the presentation layer.


While it is possible to install all these applications on a single server, putting each layer onto its own server makes it easier to scale the application. For instance, if the Rails server were to become a bottleneck, you could add more application servers without affecting the other two layers.


In this tutorial, you will deploy a Rails app in a three-tier configuration by installing a unique set of software on three separate servers, configuring each server and its components to communicate and function together, and securing the connections between them with SSH tunnels. For the software stack, you will use Nginx as the web server on the presentation layer, Puma as the Rails application server on the application layer, and PostgreSQL as the database on the data layer.



In order to complete this tutorial, you will need to spin up three Ubuntu 16.04 servers. Name this web-server, app-server, and database-server, and each should have Private Networking enabled.


Each of the three servers should have a non-root user with sudo privileges as well as a firewall configured to allow SSH connections (which you can configure using our Initial Server Setup guide). In the context of this tutorial, the sudo user on each server is named ajay.


Additionally, each of the three servers has their own unique configuration requirements:


  • On the web-server:
    • Install and configure the Nginx web server.


  • On the app-server:
    • Install Node.js using the official PPA, on Ubuntu 16.04.
    • Install the Ruby on Rails framework.
    • Install PostgreSQL, with Your Ruby on Rails Application on Ubuntu 14.04.
    • Deploy a Rails app using Puma.


  • On the database-server:
    • Install and configure the PostgreSQL database software.
    • Set a password for the newly created PostgreSQL role.


Step 1 — Creating a User for the SSH Tunnels


SSH tunnels are encrypted connections that can send data from a port on one server to a port on another server, making it look as though a listening program on the second server is running on the first one. Having a dedicated user for the SSH tunnels helps to improve the security of your setup: should an intruder gain access to the ajay user on one of your servers, they will not be able to access the other servers in the three-tier setup. Likewise, if an intruder were to gain access to the tunnel user, they will neither be able to edit files in the Rails app directory nor could they use the sudo command.


On each server, create an additional user named tunnel. The tunnel user's only function is to create SSH tunnels to facilitate communication between the servers, so, unlike ajay, do not give tunnel sudo privileges. Also, the tunnel user should not have write access to the Rails app directory. Run the following command on each server to add the tunnel user:

sudo adduser tunnel


On the web-server machine, switch to the tunnel user.

ajay@web-server$ sudo su tunnel


As the tunnel user, generate an SSH key pair:

tunnel@web-server$ ssh-keygen


Save the key in the default location and do not create a passphrase for the keys, as doing so could complicate authentication later on when you create SSH tunnels between the servers.


After creating the key pair, return to the ajay user:

tunnel@web-server$ exit


Now switch to the app-server and execute the same commands again:

 $ sudo su tunnel
 $ ssh-keygen
 $ exit


You have now configured all the users you will need for the rest of the tutorial. Net, you'll make some changes to the the /etc/hosts file for each tunnel user in order to streamline the process of creating the SSH tunnels.


Step 2 — Configuring the Hosts File


Throughout this tutorial, there are many times when you must refer to the IP addresses of either the app-server or the database-server in a command. Rather than having to remember and type out these IP addresses each time, you can add the app-server and database-server's private IPs to each server's /etc/hosts file. This will allow you to use their names in subsequent commands in place of their addresses, and will make the process of setting up SSH tunnels much smoother.


Please note that, in order to keep things simple, this tutorial instructs you to add both the app-server and database-server's private IP addresses to the /etc/hosts file on each of the three servers. While it technically isn't necessary to add either the app-server or database-server's private IP addresses to their own hosts files, doing so won't cause any issues. The method described here was chosen simply for speed and convenience.


First, find your app-server and database-server's private IP addresses. If you're using DigitalOcean Droplets, navigate to your Control Panel and click on these Droplets' names. On any of their Droplet-specific pages, both the public and private IP addresses are displayed near the top of the page.


Then on each server, open the /etc/hosts file with your favorite text editor and append the following lines:

$ sudo nano /etc/hosts


. . .
app-server_private_ip app-server
database-server_private_ip database-server


By adding these lines to this file on each server, you can use the names app-server and database-server in commands that would typically require you to use these servers' IP addresses. You will use this functionality to set up the SSH keys so each of your tunnel users can connect to your other servers.


Step 3 — Setting up SSH Logins


Now that you have a tunnel user and an updated /etc/hosts file on all three of your servers, you're ready to begin creating SSH connections between them.


As you go through this step, think of the three tiers like a pyramid, with the database-server at the bottom, the app-server in the middle, and the web-server at the top. The app-server must be able to connect to the database-server in order to access the data needed for the Rails app, and the web-server must be able to connect to the app-server so it has something to present to users.


Thus, you only need to add each tunnel user's SSH public key to the server "underneath" it, meaning that you must add the web-server tunnel user's public key to the app-server and add the app-server tunnel user's public key to the database-server. This will allow you to establish encrypted SSH tunnels between the tiers and prevent any eavesdroppers on the network from reading the traffic passing between them.


To begin this process, copy the public key of the tunnel user on the web-server, located at /home/tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, into the /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the app-server.


On the web-server, display the tunnel user's public key in the terminal with the following command:

ajay@web-server$ sudo cat /home/tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


Select the text output and copy it to your system's clipboard.


SSH into the app-server in a separate terminal session, and switch to the tunnel user:

ajay@app-server$ sudo su tunnel


Append the key in your system's clipboard to the authorized_keys file on the app-server. You can use the following command to do so in one step. Remember to replace tunnel_ssh_publickey_copied_from_web_server with the public key in your system's clipboard:

tunnel@app-server$ echo "tunnel_ssh_publickey_copied_from_web-server" >> /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys


After that, modify the permissions on the authorized_keys file to prevent unauthorized access to it:

tunnel@app-server$chmod 600 /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys


Then return to the ajay user:



Next, display the public key of the tunnel user on the app-server — located at /home/tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa.pub — and paste it into the /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the database-server:

ajay@app-server$ sudo cat /home/tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


ajay@database-server$ sudo su tunnel


Because you did not generate a SSH key pair on the database-server, you'll have to create the /home/tunnel/.ssh folder and adjust its permissions:

tunnel@database-server$mkdir /home/tunnel/.ssh
tunnel@database-server$chmod 700 /home/tunnel/.ssh


Then add the app-server's public key to the authorized_keys file and adjust its permissions:

echo "tunnel_ssh_publickey_copied_from_app-server" >> /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys


Then return to the ajay user:

 tunnel@database-server$ exit


Next, test the first connection by using SSH to connect to the app-server from your web-server as the tunnel user:

ajay@web-server$ sudo su tunnel

tunnel@web-server$ ssh tunnel@app-server


The first time you connect from the web-server to the app-server, you will see a message asking you to confirm that the machine you're connecting to can be trusted. Type "yes" to accept the authenticity of the app-server:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:77:fe:73:84:e1:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:fe.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes


The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:77:fe:73:84:e1:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:fe.


Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes


You will see the welcome banner from the app-server and the command prompt will show that you are logged in to the app-server. This confirms that the SSH connection from the web-server to the app-server is functioning correctly.


Exit from the SSH connection to the app-server, and then exit from the tunnel user to return to your web-server's ajay user:

web-server$ exit


web-server$ exit


Next, follow these same steps to test the SSH connection from the app-server to the database-server:

ajay@app-server$ sudo su tunnel


tunnel@app-server$ ssh tunnel@database-server


Accept the authenticity of the database-server as well. When you see the welcome banner and command prompt from the database-server, you will know that the SSH connection from the app-server to the database-server is working as expected.


Exit from the SSH connection to the database-server, and then exit from the tunnel user:

app-server$ exit
app-server$ exit


The SSH connections you've set up in the step form the basis of the SSH tunnels that will enable secure communications between your three server tiers. However, in their current form, these connections are vulnerable to crashing and therefore they aren't as reliable as they could be. By installing some additional software and configuring the tunnel to function as a service, though, you can mitigate these vulnerabilities.


Step 4 — Setting up a Persistent SSH Tunnel to the Database Server


In the last step, you accessed the command prompt on a remote server from a local one. An SSH tunnel allows you to do much more than this by tunneling traffic from ports on the local host to ports on the remote one. Here, you will use an SSH tunnel to encrypt the connection between your app-server and the database-server.


If you followed along with all the prerequisites for this tutorial, you will have installed PostgreSQL on both the app-server and the database-server. To prevent a clash in port numbers, you must configure the SSH tunnel between these servers to forward connections from port 5433 of the app-server to port 5432 on the database-server. Later on, you will reconfigure your Rails application (hosted on your app-server) to use the instance of PostgreSQL running on the database-server.


Starting as the ajay user on the app-server, switch to the tunnel user you created in Step 1:

ajay@app-server$ sudo su tunnel


Run the ssh command with the following flags and options to create the tunnel between the app-server and database-server:

 tunnel@app-server$ ssh -f -N -L 5433:localhost:5432 tunnel@database-server

The -f option sends ssh to the background. This allows you to run new commands in your existing prompt while the tunnel continues running as a background process.

The -N option tells ssh not to execute a remote command. This is used here as you only want to forward ports.

The -L option is followed by the configuration value 5433:localhost:5432. This specifies that traffic from port 5433 on the local side (the app-server) is forwarded to localhost's port 5432 on the remote server (the database-server). Note that localhost here is from the point of view of the remote server.

The final part of the command, tunnel@database-server, specifies the user and remote server to connect to.


After establishing the SSH tunnel, return to the ajay user:



At this point, the tunnel is running, but there is nothing watching it to ensure that it stays up. If the process crashes, the tunnel will go down, the Rails app will no longer be able to communicate with its database, and you will start seeing errors.


Kill the tunnel you have created for now as we are going to make a more reliable setup. Since the connection is in the background, you will have to find its process ID to kill it. Because every tunnel is created by the tunnel user, you can find its proccess ID by listing the current processes and filtering the output for the keyword 'tunnel':

ajay@app-server$ps axu | grep tunnel


This will return something like the output below:

tunnel   21814  0.0  0.1  44920   692 ?        Ss   14:12   0:00 ssh -f -N -L 5433:localhost:5432 tunnel@database-server
ajay    21816  0.0  0.2  12916  1092 pts/0    S+   14:12   0:00 grep --color=auto tunnel


Stop the process by running the kill command followed by its process ID:

ajay@app-server$ sudo kill 21814


To maintain a persistent SSH connection between the application server and the database, install autossh. autossh is a program that starts and monitors an SSH connection, and restarts it should the connection die or stop passing traffic:

ajay@app-server$ sudo apt-get install autossh


systemd is the default init system on Ubuntu, meaning that it manages processes after the system boots. You can use systemd to create a service that will manage and automatically start your SSH tunnel when the server restarts. To do this, create a file called db-tunnel.service within the /lib/systemd/system/ directory, the standard location where systemd unit files are stored:

ajay@app-server$ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/db-tunnel.service


Add the following content to/lib/systemd/system/db-tunnel.service to configure a service for systemd to manage:


ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc 'autossh -N -L 5433:localhost:5432 tunnel@database-server'



The key line here is ExecStart. This specifies the full path to the command and the arguments it needs to execute in order to start the process. Here, it starts a new bash shell and then runs the autossh program.


Save and close the file, and then reload the systemd configuration to make sure that it picks up the new service file:

ajay@app-server$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload


Enable the db-tunnel service so the tunnel to the database-server starts automatically whenever the server boots up:

ajay@app-server$ sudo systemctl enable db-tunnel.service


Then, start the service:

ajay@app-server$ sudo systemctl start db-tunnel.service


Run the following command again to check whether the tunnel is up:

ajay@app-server$ ps axu | grep tunnel


In the output, you will see that there are more processes running this time because autossh is now monitoring the tunnel:

tunnel   25925  0.0  0.1   4376   704 ?        Ss   14:45   0:00 /usr/lib/autossh/autossh -N -L 5432:localhost:5432 tunnel@database-server
tunnel   25939  0.2  1.0  44920  5332 ?        S    14:45   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh -L 61371: -R 61371: -N -L 5432:localhost:5432 tunnel@database-server
ajay    25941  0.0  0.2  12916  1020 pts/0    S+   14:45   0:00 grep --color=auto tunnel 


Now that the tunnel is up and running, you can test the connection to the database-server with psql to ensure that it is working correctly.


Start the psql client and tell it to connect to localhost. You must also specify port 5433 to connect through the SSH tunnel to the PostgreSQL instance on the database-server. Specify the database name you created earlier, and key in the password you created for the database user when prompted:

ajay@app-server$ psql -hlocalhost -p5433 ajay


If you see something like the following output, the database connection has been set up correctly:

psql (9.5.10)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.



To close the PostgreSQL prompt, type \q and then press ENTER.


At last, you have a persistent, reliable SSH tunnel that encrypts traffic between your app-server and database-server. The tunnel's security features are key because it is over this tunnel that the Rails app on your app-server will communicate with the PostgreSQL instance on your database server.


Step 5 — Configuring Rails to Use a Remote Database


Now that the tunnel from the app-server to the database-server is set up, you can use it as a secure channel for your Rails app to connect through the tunnel to the PostgreSQL instance on the database server.


Open the application's database configuration file:

ajay@app-server$ nano /home/ajay/appname/config/database.yml


Update the production section to /home/ajay/appname/config/database.yml, so the port number is specified as an environment variable. It should now look something like this:

. . .
  <<: *default
  host: localhost
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: utf8
  database: appname_production
  pool: 5
  username: <%= ENV['APPNAME_DATABASE_USER'] %>
  port: <%= ENV['APPNAME_DATABASE_PORT'] %> 


Save and close this file, then open the .rbenv-vars file in the application directory and edit the environment variables:

ajay@app-server$ nano /home/ajay/appname/.rbenv-vars


If you set a different name and password for the PostgreSQL role on the database-server, replace them now (in the example below, the PostgreSQL role is named ajay). Also, add a new line to specify the database port. After making these changes, your .rbenv-vars file should look like this:



Save and close this file when finished.


Because you are now using the PostgreSQL instance on the database-server instead of the one on the app-server where you deployed your Rails app, you will have to set up the database again.


On the app-server, navigate to your app's directory and run the rake command to set up the database:


Note: This command will not migrate any data from the existing database to the new one. If you have important data on your database already, you should back it up and then restore it later.

ajay@app-server$ cd /home/ajay/appname
ajay@app-server$ rake db:setup


Once this command completes, your Rails app will begin communicating with the PostgreSQL instance on the database-server over an encrypted SSH tunnel. The next thing to do is configure Puma as a systemd service to make it easier to manage.


Step 6 — Configuring and Starting Puma

Similar to how you set up the db-tunnel service in Step 4, you will configure systemd to run Puma (the server software you installed on the app-server as part of the prerequisites) as a service. Running Puma as a service allows it to start automatically when the server boots or restart automatically if it crashes, helping to make your deployment more robust.


Create a new file called puma.service within the /lib/systemd/system/ directory:


ajay@app-server$ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/puma.service


Add the following content, which was adapted from Puma's systemd documentation, to the /lib/systemd/system/puma.service. Be sure to update the highlighted values in the User, WorkingDirectory, and ExecStart directives to reflect your own configuration:

Description=Puma HTTP Server

# Foreground process (do not use --daemon in ExecStart or config.rb)

# Preferably configure a non-privileged user

# The path to the puma application root
# Also replace the "" place holders below with this path.

# Helpful for debugging socket activation, etc.
# Environment=PUMA_DEBUG=1


# The command to start Puma.
ExecStart=/home/ajay/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec puma -b tcp://




Save and close the file. Then reload systemd, enable the Puma service, and start Puma:

ajay@app-server$sudo systemctl daemon-reload
ajay@app-server$sudo systemctl enable puma.service
ajay@app-server$ sudo systemctl start puma.service


After this, confirm that Puma is running by checking the service's status:

ajay@app-server$ sudo systemctl status puma.service


If it is running, you will see an output similar to this:

puma.service - Puma HTTP Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/puma.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-12-26 05:35:50 UTC; 1s ago
 Main PID: 15051 (bundle)
    Tasks: 2
   Memory: 31.4M
      CPU: 1.685s
   CGroup: /system.slice/puma.service
           └─15051 puma 3.11.0 (tcp:// [appname]

Dec 26 05:35:50 app systemd[1]: Stopped Puma HTTP Server.
Dec 26 05:35:50 app systemd[1]: Started Puma HTTP Server.
Dec 26 05:35:51 app rbenv[15051]: Puma starting in single mode...
Dec 26 05:35:51 app rbenv[15051]: * Version 3.11.0 (ruby 2.4.3-p205), codename: Love Song
Dec 26 05:35:51 app rbenv[15051]: * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
Dec 26 05:35:51 app rbenv[15051]: * Environment: production


Next, use curl to access and print the contents of the web page so you can check that it is being served correctly. The following command tells curl to visit the the Puma server you just started on app-server on port 9292:

ajay@app-server$ curl localhost:9292/tasks


If you see something like the code below, then it confirms that both Puma and the database connection are working correctly:




      <th colspan="3"></th>



Once you can confirm that your Rails app is being served by Puma and is correctly configured to use a remote PostgreSQL instance on the database-server, you can move on to setting up the SSH tunnel between the web-server and the app-server.


Step 7 — Setting up and Persisting the SSH Tunnel to the App Server


Now that the app-server is up and running, you can connect it to the web-server. Similarly to the process you went through in Step 4, you will do this by setting up another SSH tunnel. This tunnel will allow Nginx on the web-server to connect securely over an encrypted connection to Puma on the app-server.


Start by installing autossh on the web-server:

ajay@web-server$ sudo apt-get install autossh


Create a new file called app-tunnel.service in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory:

ajay@web-server$ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/app-tunnel.service


Add the following content to this file /lib/systemd/system/app-tunnel.service. Again, the key line is the one that begins with ExecStart. Here, this line forwards port 9292 on the web-server to port 9292 on the app-server where Puma is listening:


ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc 'autossh -N -L 9292:localhost:9292 tunnel@app-server'





Note: The port number in the ExecStart line is the same as the one configured for Puma in the previous step.


Reload systemd so it reads the new service file, then enable and start the app-tunnel service:

ajay@web-server$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
ajay@web-server$ sudo systemctl enable app-tunnel.service
ajay@web-server$ sudo systemctl start app-tunnel.service


Check that the tunnel is up:

ajay@web-server$ ps axu | grep tunnel


You should see something resembling the output below:

tunnel   19469  0.0  0.1   4376   752 ?        Ss   05:45   0:00 /usr/lib/autossh/autossh -N -L 9292:localhost:9292 tunnel@app-server
tunnel   19482  0.5  1.1  44920  5568 ?        S    05:45   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh -L 54907: -R 54907: -N -L 9292:localhost:9292 tunnel@app-server
ajay    19484  0.0  0.1  12916   932 pts/0    S+   05:45   0:00 grep --color=auto tunnel


This filtered process listing shows that autossh is running and it has started another ssh process which creates the actual encrypted tunnel between web-server and app-server.


Your second tunnel is now up and encrypting communication between your web-server and app-server. All that's left for you to do in order to get your three-tier Rails app up and running is to configure Nginx to pass requests to Puma.


Step 8 — Configuring Nginx

At this point, all the required SSH connections and tunnels have been set up and each of your three server tiers are able to communicate with one another. The final piece of this puzzle is for you to configure Nginx to send requests to Puma to make the setup fully functional.


On the web-server, create a new Nginx configuration file at /etc/nginx/sites-available/appname:

ajay@web-server$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/appname


Add the following content into the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/appname. This Nginx configuration file is similar to the one you used if you followed our guide on How To Deploy a Rails App with Puma and Nginx. The main difference is the location of the upstream app; instead of using the local socket file, this configuration points Nginx to the SSH tunnel listening on port 9292:

 upstream app {

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    root /home/ajay/appname/public;

    try_files $uri/index.html $uri @app;

    location @app {
        proxy_pass http://app;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_redirect off;

    error_page 500 502 503 504 /500.html;
    client_max_body_size 4G;
    keepalive_timeout 10;


Save and close this file, then enable the site and make the changes active.


First, remove the default site:

ajay@web-server$sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default


Change to the Nginx sites-enabled directory:

ajay@web-server$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled


Create a symbolic link in the sites-enabled directory to the file you created just now in the sites-available directory:

 ajay@web-server$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/appname appname


Test your Nginx configuration for syntax errors:

ajay@web-server$ sudo nginx -t


If any errors are reported, go back and check your file before continuing.


When you're ready, restart Nginx so it reads your new configuration:

ajay@web-server$sudo systemctl restart nginx


If you followed the Puma tutorial in the prerequisites, you would have installed Nginx and PostgreSQL on the app-server. Both were replaced by separate instances running on the other two servers, so these programs are redundant. Therefore, you should remove these packages from the app-server:

 ajay@app-server$ sudo apt remove nginx
 ajay@app-server$sudo apt remove postgresql


After removing these packages, be sure to update your firewall rules to prevent any unwanted traffic from accessing these ports.


Your Rails app is now in production. Visit your web-server's public IP in a web browser to see it in action:




By following this tutorial, you have deployed your Rails application on a three-tiered architecture and secured the connections from your web-server to the app-server, and from the app-server to the database-server with encrypted SSH tunnels.


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